How to order

1. Select product and add it to your basket by clicking Add to basket on the product page. Repeat the procedure for further products.

2. When all the products you wish to purchase are in your basket, click on the basket (in the top-right-hand corner of the screen).

3. Confirm the contents of your basket and that you wish to purchase them by clicking on Proceed to checkout.

4. Log in or register a new account by filling in the fields according to the instructions.

5. DELIVERY / PAYMENT/ METHOD OF DELIVERY/ OTHER Provide the information required for your order to be completed, select the payment and delivery method and add a comment (option), click on Continue

6. SUMMARY: Confirm your order by clicking on Buy and make the payment.

Order completion time, cost of delivery

Alongside each product in the store is information about the order completion time. This is calculated in working days from the moment the order is effectively placed – in accordance with the regulations.

Deliveries are made by the GLS courier company (or another firm indicated by

The time and cost of delivery is given in the table below. To estimate the date of delivery, sum up the delivery time from the table below and the shipping time, which is indicated on the product page.


Forms of payment

The following are possible:

  • credit card (Visa, MasterCard)
  • direct transfer to one of the following bank accounts:

    for EUR:
    PL 37 1140 1124 0000 4701 7400 1002
    E-R2 Sp. z o.o. S.K.A.
    ul. Powstancow Wielkopolskich 91
    62-002 Suchy Las

    for GBP:
    PL 53 1140 1124 0000 4701 7400 1005
    E-R2 Sp. z o.o. S.K.A.
    ul. Powstancow Wielkopolskich 91
    62-002 Suchy Las

Current prices in the store

All current prices are stated on the webpage and are the gross prices for the products.


Complaints regarding products purchased in the store should be made in accordance with paragraph 11 of the regulations.